About LJTC

The Latvian Judicial Training Centre (LJTC) is providing intake and continuing training for judges and court employees. It does so with the aim of strengthening the lawful state and facilitating a uniform understanding of law within the joint European Union legal space. The main task of the LJTC is to provide quality continuing education and professional qualification-building measures (seminars, experience exchange trips, etc.) for professionals within the legal system, with special attention to subjects on and improvements to the quality of court judgments, as well as preparing professionals for quality work within the legal system of the European Union.

The LJTC also provides training for other legal professionals, including public prosecutors, attorneys, and the lawyers and employees of governmental bodies and municipal institutions.

The LJTC has been an active member of the European Judicial Training Network since 2004 and operates in the programme work group, with special attention to the preparation of lectures and seminars on administrative law at an EU level.


The LTMC provides training for professionals of the judicial system and the legal professions affiliated with the judicial system. All programmes and seminars are announced electronically via the Learning Management System (LMS) .

For judges and court employees: State-financed programmes are announced every year at the start of October for the whole year. Information about additionally available national and international seminars is sent electronically to judges with the relevant specialization via the LMS. In the event of competition for places in an international seminar, precedence is given to judges-lecturers.

The LJTC also provides training for prosecutors and attorneys. Contracts and set programmes are arranged with institutions responsible for each of the professions.

Representatives of other legal professions have the chance to apply for individual lectures, as well as inter-disciplinary seminars. The seminar schedule can be viewed in the Learning Management System.


The Council is one of the foundation’s governing institutions with supervisory and advisory functions.

On 13 December 2004, a meeting of LJTC stakeholders made the decision to transform BO SIA LTMC into the Foundation "Latvian Judicial Training Centre". These changes were registered in the Register of Associations and Foundations on 11 January 2005.

Current members of the LJTC Council:

  • Judges - Andris Guļāns (Supreme Court), Dzintra Balta (Latvian judiciary association).
  • Founding representatives - Ieva Rācenāja (RGSL), Egita Prāma (The Foundation DOTS).
  • Executive representatives - Inese Kalniņa (Court Administration), Inita Ilgaža (Ministry of Justice).